Nobody Fights Harder for You… Nobody.

How to know you have a great personal injury attorney?

This is an exact transcription of the video above.

I think the most important thing an attorney can do is to communicate with the client and when someone’s got injured the last thing on our mind is commencing litigation or thinking that they have to be compensated for what just happened to them. A person fulfills all their an island by themselves, they don’t know what to do, who to turn to, what actions to take, how to follow up if the law left them into the hospital despite having the hospital record, tell them that they should follow up with a physician within a reasonable matter of time.

Many people don’t understand what the next step is and clearly the next step should be is to make sure that they are alright and whatever follows from a physician’s visit or a hospitalization, the key thing for any sort of a person who has been injured is to understand that they need to follow up and get a medical care and from my prospective as a litigator, if that person doesn’t follow up and doesn’t make complaints and stow it and 3 months after the fact that this is bothering me long enough and I need to something about it and at that point it’s too late. So it’s a really good idea just to assess the situation and contact someone who has been through before and that would be a personal injury attorney.

Someone who knows what advice to give a person and that advice is that you have to follow up and you have to document everything just to ensure the viability of the lawsuit in case there is one. No one is gonna advocate that you should automatically sue someone just because you have an accident. Obviously there are full components to a lawsuit, the first that you have to prove a liability against someone else other than yourself.

If you tripped or fall over something often times some of that fall can be a tribute to a person who fell. But just because you may feel that you are informed doesn’t mean that you’re fully informed. So a liability often times you need to run advice to someone who has been through it before and that is an experienced attorney, someone who has been to the charges and understands the process.

The second that we look for a lawsuit is pain and suffering. Is the person injured, if so what treatment did they have and just as important is what treatment do the need in the future and oftentimes people minimized what they’ve gone through don’t realized the extent of the injury until many months have passed and that’s really not a good thing. The longer you wait after you got hurt to seek proper medical treatment or consultation, less likely the jury will believe that you were injured due to the event.

So you need to go to the doctor, you need to follow up, you need to follow the doctor’s advice and you need to document everything that you’ve been through. I often my clients that it is a good idea to keep a diary and you know some people are old school in their pen and paper, myself included. I try to put things on my phone. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but if you’re a younger person you gonna have the iphone or whatever you used and you make a notebook and keep records of what you are able to do, what problems do you have doing certain things, what appointments you have cancelled or missed, what employment opportunities you may have missed and things in that nature.

It is important to document everything. The other issue a person injured case oftentimes is you know I don’t have insurance. How could I follow up with the doctor? On a certain circumstances like in a car accident, you are covered by the persons called you in and if you are a pedestrian you are covered by the person who struck you so there is an insurance available to you but it’s very important that you follow up with the insurance carrier and document the accident and fill out the form.

That will allow you to get treatment with your own doctor and the insurance carrier will pay for that treatment provided you follow the rules. And all of these things you won’t know because you’ve never been through this before and it is important that you should go to an attorney who knows how the system works and can guide you through it. So in essence the most important thing a person could do is not to panic if they have been injured.

Speak to someone, family member or friend. Pick up the phone and dial the attorney. You have to be comfortable with that lawyer. That lawyer has to be able to communicate with you and communication I think is the key. I think the most important thing that an attorney could do is to have compassion and listen to the client. You need to listen to what the client is saying and you need to follow up with questions to get some advice.