Brooklyn Unsafe Equipment Injury Attorney
A Lawyer for Dangerous Equipment Claims

It’s not uncommon for a workplace to contain equipment which can be dangerous. Many people work in professions which use tools or machinery that include sharp edges, heavy or fast-moving parts, high voltages, toxic chemicals, and other inherently dangerous feature. Workers are usually well trained in the safe operation of the equipment they rely on to do their jobs and they arrive at the workplace expecting all equipment to meet safety standards and be maintained in proper working order.
When these conditions aren’t met, serious and unexpected workplace equipment accidents can happen, and workers can find themselves the victims of grievous injuries. If an accident involving unsafe equipment has injured you or a loved one, you should protect your family by discussing your case with a Brooklyn lawyer with experience in these situations.
The injuries resulting from accidents involving dangerous equipment are highly specific, because there are so many different kinds of machines in use in so many different workplaces, operated under so many individual conditions. Among the most serious injuries are amputations, burns, crushed limbs, electrocution, concussion and traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, and blindness and eye injury. Any of these injuries could disable an affected worker for life and, sadly, many do.
Comprehensive numbers are not easy to isolate because dangerous equipment accidents can be classified with multiple causes, but for 2010 (the most recent year with complete data available) the Bureau of Labor Statistics lists over 200 workplace fatalities and over 40,000 lost work days caused solely because of workers caught in machinery.
Equipment used in the workplace might be categorized as dangerous for any of several reasons, not limited to:
– Workers not properly trained in its use
– Inherently dangerous equipment is not adequately labeled or restricted
– Equipment is defective, resulting in abnormal danger
– Dangerous equipment is not safely and appropriately maintained
– Safety features have been deliberately overridden or disabled
– Work areas around dangerous equipment not kept free of obstructions and other hazards
Brooklyn Attorneys with Unsafe Equipment Injury Knowledge
Workers’ compensation insurance has been implemented to compensate workers when they are injured on the job, but claims can be denied and workers’ comp award amounts may not adequately cover the true cost of an injury. If you or a family member has been injured by unsafe equipment, an important step to protect your interests is to consult with an attorney who understands the value of assertive legal action. Kuharski, Levitz, & Giovinazzo are ready to help and waiting to hear from you.