Careless Coworkers on the Job: What You Need to Know about Construction Accidents
Construction sites are often overflowing with workers, supplies and tools – and it’s actually fairly common for accidents to happen. In fact, many accidents are so minor that most people don’t even think twice about them.
But what happens if you’re involved in a serious accident because you have a coworker who was outright negligent?

Serious Construction Accidents
Every worker on a construction site knows that you must take certain precautions to ensure not only your own safety, but the safety of those around you as well.
Unfortunately, not everyone sticks to the safety standards. Even if you have the most thorough employer who ensures that every member of the team is adequately trained, you’re always going to run into someone who cuts corners. Whether it’s out of a lack of concern for others, distraction, or another reason, a careless coworker can be incredibly dangerous on any job site.
Construction vehicle accidents, falls and falling objects, and electrocution are very real threats on Brooklyn job sites, and if you’re involved in any of these because of someone else’s negligence, you could be entitled to damages for your medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages.
When Your Coworkers Cause an Accident
There are many ways a careless coworker can put you in harm’s way. From something as simple as forgetting to put away a tool or the failure to mark a dangerous area to completely ignoring safety protocol and operating machinery under unsafe conditions, some coworkers are more of a liability than an asset.
If one of your coworkers has caused you to become injured in a construction accident in Brooklyn, there’s no reason that you should have to be thrown into debt over medical bills (they certainly pile up quickly, don’t they?) or be forced to live below the poverty line because you’re unable to work. In most cases, it’s a good idea to talk to an attorney who focuses on construction accidents to find out whether you’re entitled to receive compensation from the person who caused your injuries.
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