Help! I Was Hurt While Visiting a Brooklyn Construction Site!

In a perfect world, every construction company would follow all legally required safety protocol and go above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that workers and visitors don’t get hurt.
Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. While many construction sites are inherently dangerous, there’s no reason for construction companies to skimp on safety – but many do.
“Help! I Was Hurt on a Brooklyn Construction Site!”
Many visiting contractors, including electricians, plumbers and architects, are aware of the risks that many Brooklyn construction sites pose. However, that doesn’t give construction companies a free pass to ignore safety regulations. They’re still responsible for keeping construction sites safe for everyone, including third-party visitors.
In many cases, construction site injuries can be very severe. Falling objects, slippery or wet surfaces, and unmarked hazard zones can make them a minefield of danger. Construction workers may be careless or reckless, or materials might not be stored properly. There are thousands of things that could hurt you, and in most cases, the construction company is responsible for ensuring that the risks are as low as possible.
If you were hurt on a Brooklyn construction site, you may have extensive medical bills. From tetanus boosters to emergency care for traumatic brain injury, medical care isn’t cheap – and worse, you may have to miss time on your own job because of your injuries.
What to Do if You Were Injured as a Visitor to a Brooklyn Construction Site
First, seek medical care. Construction site injuries can be extremely serious, even if you feel like they are minor. Make sure your physician evaluates you for traumatic brain injury, sprains and strains, and exposure to potential toxins.
If someone was at fault for your injuries, you owe it to yourself—and to other third-party visitors who have to go to that company’s sites in the future—to seek justice. You might be entitled to financial compensation that helps to cover your medical bills, lost wages and other expenses, and a Brooklyn construction accident lawyer may be able to help you get it.
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