Brooklyn Hit In Crosswalk Attorney
Have You Been Knocked Down In A Crosswalk?

New York City is one of the most pedestrian-friendly cities in the world, with nearly 13,000 miles of sidewalks and thousands of crosswalks, not to mention one of the finest public transportation systems in the world. It’s the only American city where more than half of all households don’t own a car. However, the US is still a country dominated by car culture, and the pedestrians of New York have to share the city with over 2 million locally registered motor vehicles, as well as another quarter million commuter automobiles and thousands of buses and work vehicles. Add as many as 100,000 bicyclists to city streets on any given day, and the situation becomes still more complex.
With all these people and vehicles in close quarters, accidents happen. Every year careless and distracted drivers injure well over 10,000 pedestrians and kill more than 100. Close to 4,000 bicyclists are also injured each year, with an average of more than 20 fatalities. If you have been struck by a car or other vehicle on the streets of New York, contact an experienced law firm in Brooklyn to help.
It’s important to know several things about pedestrian accidents, some general and others specific to New York. While insurance companies often want to settle pedestrian accident claims quickly, the injuries that result from a pedestrian knockdown accident sometimes take time to become clear. Serious head, neck, and back injuries might only begin to show their true extent after several weeks or months, so it’s important not to rush into a quickly-offered settlement.
In New York the law is on the side of pedestrian. If a pedestrian is struck in a crosswalk, even if the light has changed, the vehicle operator might still be legally at fault: drivers are required to exercise proper caution, which includes avoiding pedestrians and cyclists. It is even true that a driver will usually be found at fault if a pedestrian is struck while crossing outside of a crosswalk, especially if the pedestrian was in plain sight.
As the numbers indicate, cars, cabs, trucks, buses, and other vehicles strike and injure pedestrians constantly (over 30 times each day). Many lawyers have some experience with these cases, but you need to choose one with experience and the ability to track down witnesses, collect evidence, and accurately reconstruct the accident.
Find a Seasoned Crosswalk Injury Lawyer in Brooklyn
Don’t rush into a settlement without taking the time to consult with an expert. If you or someone close has been struck by a car or other vehicle, you need to understand your rights and your legal options. But you can’t afford to wait for long: some types of claims require that written notice be submitted within 30 days of the accident. Talk to Kuharski, Levitz, & Giovinazzo for advice on your next step.
See Also: Free Initial Consultation for Truck Injury, Click here.