Brooklyn Hurt on Job Site Lawyer
Representation for Those Injured On-The-Job

When a worker is injured on the job, he or she has a right to collect damages through workers’ compensation insurance or to seek restitution if a third party is responsible (sometimes both). Workers of all kinds are susceptible to workplace injuries, and the kinds of injuries they suffer are diverse. The financial costs can include not only the direct and ongoing medical expenses, but also lost wages as well as claims for pain and suffering.
If you have been the unfortunate victim of a workplace accident resulting in injury, it is important to consult with an experienced personal attorney. Although in theory you are legally entitled to recompense for your injuries, in practice it may prove difficult to collect without qualified and enthusiastic representation working for you.
Workplace accidents leading to injury are extremely common. In 2012, more than 1% of all workers in the US were affected by an on-the-job injury or illness which was serious enough for the worker to miss work in order to recuperate. That’s a total of over 1.1 million incidents nationwide, in just one year. While the average illness or injury resulted in 9 days of missed work, many injuries are much more serious. Some workers are injured so severely that they are unable to return to work at all. We can hardly overstate the importance of discussing your case with an experienced Brooklyn workplace injury attorney.
You know immediately when you have been injured on the job, but workers’ compensation law can be less obvious. Some situations have resulted in claims which are more difficult to win. If any of the following apply in your case, additional factors are involved and dedicated legal representation is a necessary step:
– The accident happened on one of the employee’s regular breaks or during the lunch break
– The injury was sustained in an incident during a company event
– The injury incident took place while travelling for a work-related purpose
– The incident which caused the injury was due to the worker’s misconduct
– Performing expected job duties caused the aggravation of a preexisting condition
Accidents can occur on the job in any line of work. Some professions have traditionally higher rates of injury, but in recent years some of the greatest increases in injury reports have come from workers in what you might think of as “safe” fields, such as computer work and personal care and service occupations.
Job Site Injuries Call for a Brooklyn Law Firm That’s On-the-Job For You
If the workplace accident injury suffered by you or a loved one goes beyond a simple workers’ compensation claim, put yourself in touch with an attorney who understands this type of case. Meet with Kuharski, Levitz, & Giovinazzo today to discuss your case.
See Also: If You’ve Suffered an Injury at a Construction Site & Need a Attorney? Click here.