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Falling Victim to a Construction Site Fall

Falling Victim to a Construction Site FallSome of the most damaging construction site accidents are falls. Tripping and slipping hazards on solid ground, as well as unsafe scaffoldings and inadequate fall protection, are fairly common. But what do you really know about falls on construction sites? More importantly, how can you protect yourself?

Falls from Scaffolding

Scaffolding is a necessity at many New York construction sites. However, it can be extremely hazardous – especially if it’s not properly assembled on-site. You don’t see it on the news every day, but it’s not terribly uncommon for innocent people to walk beneath an improperly constructed scaffolding as it collapses, causing severe (and sometimes permanent) injuries.

Ladder Accidents

Ladders are dangerous for the same reasons that scaffolding accidents are: they can come crashing down with little or no warning.

Trips and Falls on Construction Sites

Construction sites inherently have a number of tripping hazards. Power cords, hydraulic hoses, and other flexible equipment snake across the floors, often moving as workers go about their tasks. Workers set down tools between uses, turning many job sites into ever-changing obstacle courses. Many people slip, trip and fall at construction sites for various other reasons, including:

  • Misplaced boards used to cover holes
  • Half-finished flooring that creates uneven terrain
  • Wet, slippery conditions

Slipping Hazards

Even when wearing proper footwear, you can slip on floors or ground covered by water, sawdust, or spilled chemicals. When spills aren’t promptly cleaned or labeled with OSHA-approved hazard markers, somebody is being negligent – and that can result in serious danger to anyone who’s unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Who’s Liable for Construction Site Injuries?

Construction companies, property owners and even workers are usually responsible for making the environment safe for passersby, but everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately, innocent people often have to pay for those mistakes.

If someone has caused you injury at a Brooklyn construction site, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. We may not be skilled with nail guns or the proper setup of a safe scaffolding, but we definitely have your back when it comes to knowing New York laws that apply to construction site injuries.

See Also:

Staten Island

Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo,
176 Hart Blvd Staten Island,
New York 10301

Phone: (718) 448-1600

New York

Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo,
Esqs. 110 Wall Street,
Floor 11 New York,
NY 10005

Phone: (212) 228-1331