Nobody Fights Harder for You… Nobody.

Insurance Adjusters: Denial is Their “A-Game”

Your auto insurance company appreciates your business. They dutifully collect your premiums every month and send you useful information along with each bill. However, the fewer claims they pay, and the less they pay on each claim, the more they profit. As publicly traded companies, most insurance companies are more beholden to their shareholders than to their clients… and that’s you.

Insurance Companies Routinely Deny Car Accident Claims

Part of an insurance adjuster’s job is to deny claims whenever possible. It’s not because they don’t care about you, personally – it’s just in the company’s best interests to pay as little as possible.

Sometimes adjusters will initially deny a claim as a matter of course, hoping you won’t appeal. Such denials are often deliberately confusing and contain very little useful information. Unfortunately, denying claims is one way insurance companies maximize their profit.

Working with a Personal Injury Lawyer: We Speak Their Language

An experienced personal injury lawyer knows how to deal with claims adjusters. While an adjuster is trained to convince you that you don’t have a case, a lawyer is trained to handle slick adjusters.Your attorney will know what information to present and can take the necessary steps to appeal the insurance company’s decision to deny your claim.

Insurance Companies Must Follow the Law

Insurance laws can be incredibly complex (don’t worry; no one expects you to be versed in the intricacies of personal injury liability law). The insurance companies bank on the fact that you don’t know all of those details, though; they’re not counting on you to have a personal injury lawyer in your corner. You might be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, lost wages and other expenses, and working with the right attorney can help you get it.