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List of Common Maternal Injuries During Childbirth

When you hear about birth injuries, you may think of the infant first. Certainly new babies are more fragile than adults are, but maternal injuries during childbirth are also quite common. Sometimes, maternal birth injuries are the result of doctors’, nurses’ or other caregivers’ negligent care.

Among the most common injuries to the mother during childbirth are:

  • Epidural injuries
  • Preeclampsia
  • Excessive tearing of the birth canal or perineum
  • Placental abruption
  • Excessive bleeding
  • Secondary infection
  • Rectovaginal fistula (a tear in the wall between the rectum and vagina)

Certain procedures, such as forceps-assisted delivery and Cesarean section, may increase the risks of birth injury to the mother. In some cases, a failure to diagnose certain conditions during prenatal care may lead to maternal injuries or complications during birth.