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Staten Island Bicycle Accident Lawyer

As bicycles become a popular, eco-friendly choice for transport, more bicycles are on the road. Unfortunately, that also means more accidents. Many of these accidents occur in urban areas with heavy traffic flow, such as New York City. You never know when you could be in an accident or need the help of a Staten Island bicycle accident lawyer. 

The attorneys of Kuharski, Levitz, & Giovinazzo, Esq. understand bicycle accidents can be very serious and even fatal if they are not taken care of properly. Talk to your lawyer about filing a claim with your insurance company or seeking medical treatment immediately after the incident occurs.

Determining Fault in a Staten Island Bike Accident

When a bicycle collision occurs, the driver of the motor vehicle is usually at fault. While this is true in most cases, there are some exceptions that can make it difficult to determine who was at fault. For example, if you were riding on a sidewalk and exited into traffic, you may be partially responsible for the accident. 

Bicycles are considered vehicles under New York law. This means that cyclists must obey all traffic laws, including stop signs and red lights. Drivers must also respect bicyclists by following their movements and signaling when they intend to turn or change lanes.

Distracted drivers are often texting, talking on the phone, or using other electronic devices while they drive. When they are distracted, they are not as aware of what is going on around them, including cyclists.

Drunk drivers often cause serious injuries to bicyclists because they are swerving into bike paths or sidewalks or driving too fast. Drunk drivers can easily hit a cyclist while they are trying to avoid hitting a pedestrian or another vehicle. 

Speed may make it more difficult for drivers to see bicyclists on the road ahead and allow them time to avoid an accident. In addition, aggressive drivers may be more likely than others to cause bicycle accidents because they may speed or tailgate other vehicles, which makes them less able to stop in time if they need to avoid an accident with a cyclist. 

Proving a Staten Island Driver Was at Fault

Your Staten Island bicycle accident lawyer will work hard to find all evidence to prove a speeding or aggressive driver is guilty, such as skid marks, tire marks, or surveillance camera footage.

If you suspect drunk driving played a role in your accident, contact the police immediately and ask them to confirm your suspicions with field sobriety tests. Take photos of the scene and talk to witnesses who may be able to provide testimony, then call a bicycle accident lawyer in Staten Island right away so we can begin gathering more evidence and building your case. 

Your Staten Island bicycle crash lawyer may even examine the phone records of the suspected distracted driver or ask for dashcam footage if it’s available. Gathering any evidence available now can help you build a strong case for your compensation. 

Damages in a Staten Island Bicycle Accident Claim

When you’re involved in a Staten Island bicycle accident, your injuries may be severe. You’re hurt, you’re suffering, and you’re struggling to overcome these losses. When this happens, you may be due damages that cover the consequences of an accident, but you may not have the tools to calculate them. 

Damages may be economic or non-economic. Your economic damages should cover all your bills and expenses caused by the bicycle accident, including future costs. Your non-economic damages should compensate you for the mental and emotional suffering you’ve experienced because of the accident. 

Below are just a few of the economic and non-economic damages you may be entitled to after a Staten Island bicycle accident claim: 

  • Medical bills 
  • Lost wages 
  • Property damage 
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Loss of enjoyment of life 
  • Disfigurement 

Unsure where to begin with your compensation? Reach out to an attorney. They have the tools you need for compensation. 

Get Legal Support for Injured Staten Island Cyclists

If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, you may be seriously hurt because there was no seat belt or airbag to protect you. But don’t give up hope. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, including medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. 

You should consult with your doctor or another medical professional regarding the severity of your injuries and talk with a Staten Island bicycle accident lawyer so we can advise you on the next steps. Please contact Kuharski, Levitz, & Giovinazzo, Esq. by filling out our online form or call 718-448-1600 to discuss your case over a free consultation.