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How Much is My Personal Injury Worth?

If you are injured in a car accident, on the job, or otherwise because of someone else’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. But determining how much you’re due for your injuries is no easy task, especially not without the tools a lawyer can provide.

When you’re hurt in an accident, you may need a lawyer to help explain some of the main factors that affect your claim’s value. If you want to learn more, the lawyers of Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo, Esq are available to provide guidance for you throughout the claims process.

Medical Costs and Future Medical Costs

One of the biggest considerations is whether there will be any future medical care required after the initial treatment ends. 

While many people think about their immediate health needs when seeking treatment following an injury such as whiplash or broken bones from car accidents, they often neglect to include future care needs in their requests for compensation, such as major surgeries or physical therapy sessions. 

This is a mistake that can cost you thousands of dollars later on down the road, so speak with an attorney to ensure you include everything.

Lost Income and Loss of Future Earning Capacity

Calculating lost income is an important factor in determining how much your personal injury is worth. Loss of future earning capacity is important as well because it takes into account the fact that you will be unable to perform work at the same level and earn as much money from now on because of what happened to you. 

When calculating loss of earning capacity, the courts take into account your salary before the incident, how old you are, and whether you will be able to find another job easily if you leave your current company due to injury-related reasons. This can greatly impact how much money you’re awarded.

Pain and Suffering 

When you’re injured, it’s not just about your injuries and other tangible expenses. While these damages are important, the lasting mental and emotional trauma of serious injuries and scary events can leave you suffering from emotional distress and struggling to recover from your accident. 

Worse, these can be difficult to calculate properly because they’re intangible. You may need to speak with a lawyer right away to get the answers you need about what these damages are worth and what you can do to accurately account for these types of suffering and damages. 

Get Help Determining How Much Your Personal Injury is Worth

Keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list of what should go into your claim for compensation. Each case is unique, and other factors can impact your personal injury case. 

There are so many factors that go into determining how much your personal injury is worth that it’s hard to account for it all without a skilled attorney who knows all of the ins and outs of personal injury law. Call Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo, Esq. at 718-448-1600 to discuss your case, or complete our online form below to take advantage of our free consultations to learn more.