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Truck Accident Legal Help

Commercial trucks are large and pull trailers that can weigh more than the truck itself. There are inherent dangers that come with large vehicles traveling at high speeds on the roadways. 

Hundreds of people are hurt or killed in accidents each year due to the negligence of commercial truck drivers. If you’ve been in a truck accident, don’t wait for another second to get legal help. 

You need legal advice that’s aimed at securing compensation for your vehicle damage, medical bills, lost income from not working, and possibly even pain and suffering. Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo, Esq. can represent your best interests and ensure that all your needs are met.

Why You Need Legal Help After a Truck Accident

Many people believe that they can handle a truck accident on their own. However, this is not always the best course of action because truck accidents are complex, severe due to weight and cargo, and can have long-lasting effects on your life. An experienced personal injury attorney can explain your legal options and help you decide which course of action is best for you.

The insurance company will hire its own lawyer to represent them in court, and it won’t have your best interests in mind. This gives them an advantage in negotiations because they will have more information about the case than you do. These companies are often more focused on their own profits than they are on your recovery.

Insurers might try to avoid paying for damages or blame someone else for the crash. By getting legal help following a truck accident as soon as possible, you’re less likely to get taken advantage of during negotiations.

A Truck Accident May Involve Multiple Parties

Commercial trucking companies employ a lot of people. When you’re hit by a truck, it’s important to hold all parties responsible for their actions including other drivers, trucking companies, and sometimes defective product manufacturers. 

It can be difficult to prove who was responsible for causing the crash since there may be several factors involved as well, such as a driver that’s overtired, a truck with faulty brakes, or poor road conditions. 

It’s important that you get truck accident legal help from an attorney who knows how to piece together these complex cases. Your attorney can determine if any regulations have been violated, too.

For instance, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has strict rules about how many many hours a trucker can drive before resting to avoid fatigue. A driver that violates these rules or a company that pushes drivers to work too much may be held liable for your injuries.

Contact Us a Truck Accident Lawyer for Legal Help

Trucking companies have lots of resources to fight claims, so it can be difficult for you as an individual with limited resources to get fair compensation for your injuries. 

A good personal injury attorney will help level the playing field by investigating the accident, gathering evidence, and coordinating any legal issues that may arise during your claim process. Fill out our contact form below for a free consultation or call Kuharski, Levitz & Giovinazzo, Esq. at 718-448-1600.