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Injuries that May Qualify You to Sue under NY Law

While nobody really likes to use the term sue, in many cases, it’s a necessary action. When you’re injured because of someone’s negligence, carelessness, or malicious acts, you’re often entitled to financial compensation under New York law.

Unfortunately, though, there’s a lot of gray area when it comes to litigation over personal injury. That’s why most people attempt to stay out of court; many people prefer to deal with the at-fault party’s insurance company, either on their own or with a lawyer’s help.

But what kind of cases even make you eligible to sue? Does yours qualify?

Lawsuits and Physical Injuries

Injuries to your body, even if you eventually get better, may qualify you to sue.

You may have been hurt in an auto wreck or fallen because of an unsafe environment. Physical injuries also include illnesses caused by toxins or irritants you may have been exposed to at work or while eating in a restaurant.

An attorney may be able to help you recover the cost of medical treatments, medical devices and expenses associated with your travel to treatments and therapy.

Suing for Emotional or Psychological Injuries

Suffering from illness or injury often triggers emotional distress, fear and anxiety. The disruptions imposed by medical visits and physical limitations during recovery can be very stressful.

Your injury may have left you with scars that affect your self-image, or you may feel embarrassed and humiliated for needing help with personal care. Perhaps you’re upset because you are unable to care for your children or other family members, or maybe you become anxious and fearful of circumstances or places similar to those at the time you were hurt, like driving a car or going to the grocery store.

Be sure to tell your attorney if you experience any of these problems. You may be able to seek reimbursement for the cost of additional treatment for your emotional or psychological troubles and recover damages for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries.

Compensation for Financial Harm

While you can’t really call financial issues an injury, you may be able to file a lawsuit to recover damages for costs that are a direct result of your accident.

In addition to lost wages, you may be losing income opportunities such as overtime or seasonal work that you would have enjoyed if you had not been hurt. Maybe you’re forced to struggle with financial issues beyond the cost of medical treatments and medications; if you’re like most injury victims, you have extra expenses for transportation, medical equipment, and insurance deductibles as well as the cost of services you had to hire out while you were injured, such as day care and yard work.

Injuries that qualify you to sue can vary greatly, and they don’t have to be permanent to meet the requirements for legal recovery. Your lawyer will be able to ensure that you get the justice you deserve so that you can breathe easy again.